Sunday, February 5, 2023
Setting up Samba as an Active Directory Domain Controller - SambaWiki - 66 Replies
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Starting from version 4. If you are installing Samba in windows 10 join domain smb1 free download production environment, windows 10 join domain smb1 free download is recommended to run two or more DCs for failover reasons, more detail on the provisioning of a failover DC can be found elsewhere on the wiki. This tutorial assumes that this is a fresh installation of Samba on a fresh operating system installation. It is important to note that there is a distinction between installing of Samba and Provisioning of Samba.
In general, the entire process of setting up a Samba domain controller consists of 5 steps which are relatively straight forward. These steps are as follows:. This page covers a /63487.txt of ground приведенная ссылка Samba installations on both Unix and Linux systems.
The installation process varies slightly based on environment, so expect to follow windows 10 join domain smb1 free download linked /3290.txt pages in multiple tabs throughout this read. For the remainder of autodesk alias surface 2019 free download tutorial the following example information is used:.
The Samba AD provisioning process creates the AD databases and adds initial records, such as the domain administrator account and required DNS entries.
Samba comes with a built in command lined tool called samba-tool which can be used to automatically configure your smb. The samba-tool domain provision command provides several parameters to use with the interactive and non-interactive setup. For details, see:. As mentioned above, samba-tool windows 10 join domain smb1 free download ran as route will automatically configure your windows 10 join domain smb1 free download.
Interactive Mode will not automatically enable Group Policy support. However this can be added in afterwards by manually editing the smb. Open the Group Policy page in a new tab for later reading. With the existing smb. For example:. If you need more than one reverse zone multiple subnetsjust run the above command again but with the data for the other subnet.
During the provisioning, Samba created a Kerberos configuration file for your DC. Copy this file to your operating system's Kerberos configuration. Samba does not provide System V init scripts, systemdupstartor other services configuration files. To verify authentication, connect to the netlogon share using the domain administrator account:. This is not explicitly required, but it is a good idea to verify that your Domain Controller's authentication mechanisms are operating as intended.
To test this, login by requesting a Kerberos ticket for the Domain Administrator account:. Kerberos requires synchronized time on all domain members. For further details and how to set up the ntpd or chrony service, see Time Synchronization. However if Samba is being used as a domain controller to administer Group Policy, it is possible to define a Group Policy Object that synchronizes workstations with time.
Whilst the Samba Microsoft office powerpoint pobierz free download DC is able to provide file shares, just like all other installation modes, the Samba team does not recommend using a DC as a file windows 10 join domain smb1 free download for the following reasons:.
You should be aware that if wish to use a vfs object on a DC share e. To provide network shares with the full capabilities of Samba, set up a Samba domain member with file shares.
If you only have a small domain small office, home network and do not want to follow the Samba team's recommendation and windows 10 join domain smb1 free download the DC additionally as a file server, configure Winbindd before you start setting up shares. See User Documentation.
Anonymous Not logged in Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. More More Languages. Page actions Read View source History. Categories : Domain Control Active Directory. Wiki tools Wiki tools Special pages. Page tools Page tools. Userpage tools.
This page was last edited on 6 Septemberat This page has been accessed 2, times. Content is available under CC-BY /80435.txt otherwise noted. Privacy policy About SambaWiki Disclaimers. Installation of Samba and associated provisioning of a domain controller does not automatically translate into Group Policy functionality.
Please keep this in mind, and expect to update this flag in the smb. Do not use. Install a maintained Samba version. For details, see Samba Release Planning. The AD provisioning requires root permissions to create files and set permissions.
When provisioning a new AD, it is recommended to enable the NIS extensions by passing the --use-rfc parameter to the samba-tool domain provision command. There are no disadvantages to enabling the NIS extensions, but enabling them in an existing domain requires manually extending the AD schema. Kerberos realm. This can be anything, but it must be one word, not longer than 15 characters and not containing a dot.
For example: samdom. Do not use the computers short hostname. Sets the DNS back end. Sets the domain administrator password. If the password does not match the complexity requirements, the provisioning fails.
For details, see Microsoft TechNet: Passwords must meet complexity requirements. The installation of Samba will create a smb. The interactive provisioning mode supports passing further parameters to the samba-tool domain provision command. This enables you to modify parameters that are not part of the interactive setup. Do not create a symbolic link to the the generated krb5. In Samba 4. The netlogon and sysvol shares were auto-created during the provisioning and must exist on a DC.
If you do not pass the principal in the user REALM format to the kinit command, the Kerberos realm is automatically appended. Always enter the Kerberos realm in uppercase. If you do use an AD DC as a fileserver, you must be aware that it can be problematic and can cause strange errors. If you do use an AD DC as a fileserver, do not add any of the 'idmap config' lines used on a Unix domain member. They will not work and will cause problems. If you do use an AD DC as a fileserver, You must set the permissions from Windows, do not attempt to use any of the old methods force user etc.
They will not work correctly and will cause problems.
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